Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TRON Modern

I just got back from an epic journey by train, bus, car, and foot to Anaheim to see a pre-screening of the upcoming Tron movie. I knew it would be pretty good just from the visuals in the trailer, but I was floored by the movie itself. I could go on for a long time about everything... acting was good, costumes, sets, scenery, all excellent, plot good enough. Since this is supposed to be an architecture blog, I’ll focus mainly on the aesthetics and visuals.

This movie was excellently rendered, with visual effects that put Avatar to shame and even (dare I say it) give Inception a run for its money. I do admit, however, that I'm biased in that my favorite color combination is anything bright with black. It was imperative that this movie be rendered well in order to pull off what it wanted to, since the visual style of the movie is different from anything we’re used to. It’s an architect or designer’s fantasy- everything is superbly designed, and within a sleek, cohesive, modernism-inspired language. It reminds me less of the futures envisioned by most recent sci-fi movies,  and more like the distant future as imagined in the 1950s or 60s. It is predominantly modern, with a sort of clean-industrial minimalist architecture that would make Mies Van Der Rohe very pleased. In one part of the movie, the characters are in a house that is part Farnsworth House...

and part Barcelona Pavilion...

with a nod to the neo-baroque furnishings of the final scene of 2001... 

The whole movie is sort of an action-packed ride through a creative contemporary interpretation of Modernism that does indeed do the style justice, and this is coming from someone whose whose own style is heavily influenced by modernism above all others. Finally, all the vehicles in the movie, from the light cycles and tanks to the light-jets and light-plane that make an appearance are the most ridiculously cool looking vehicles in any movie, ever. That’s tall claim, I know, but just wait and see as soon as you can on the 17th.

As usual, stay tuned for an update once I'm more alert...

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