Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ah well...

The modular, reformat-able, slot-assembled shelf I've been working on is turning out to be a failure. Here's a photo of the pieces during the painting process:

The problem is I used some tempera paints I got for free mixed with a high proportion of water, in an effort to    make a mixture that would soak into the wood and sort of stain it. When I checked on it this morning, the pieces now have a much rougher surface than before, which is unfortunate because I spent a long time sanding  them all with increasingly higher grit paper to make sure they were smooth. Worst of all, when I touched them, the pigment easily came off on my hand. I think that's normal for tempera, but I thought I could avoid it by laying many coats of very diluted paint. 

The good news is, the first of 6 or 7 pairs of shoes I rescued with the intention of painting and selling are now painted. I'm pleased with the results, I just have to treat them with some kind of sealant to make sure they hold up. 

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