Thursday, March 8, 2012

Aurora Borealis Arctic Observatory

Some students and work during the final review for the last project-- a small hotel and observatory for experiencing the Northern Lights in Roveniemi, Finland.

Bowen and section model

A peek inside

Isa, Ginta, Olu

Diagrams from Garret's presentation

Garrett presenting his project

Fran's Finnish acid trip

close encounter with architecture

Heavily articulated facade

Josh's 1960s moon colony

A strange forest...

Generative sketches fro Olu's project

Garrett's cave-like form

Cameron's Zumthoresque observatory

Odd surroundings

More concepts from Olu

A rendering of Garrett's work

Stairway in Bowen's model

The next project is a small ceramics workshop/factory located in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood near IIT. Stay tuned fro updates on that, as well as photos from our upcoming trip to Cranbrook.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Northerly Island Educational Bldg.

Final Renderings from a project from last semester, which I've only just now finished. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Masonry semester!

Some Stuff from the last project

Final Model still under construction:

....And on to the next project, an observatory in Finland specifically for watching the Aurora Borealis

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lemon Depot

A fine little architectural oddity...These are part of what was once a depot where lemons from local orchards were loaded onto freight cars in Claremont, CA. They are constructed of local river stones.