Thursday, March 8, 2012

Aurora Borealis Arctic Observatory

Some students and work during the final review for the last project-- a small hotel and observatory for experiencing the Northern Lights in Roveniemi, Finland.

Bowen and section model

A peek inside

Isa, Ginta, Olu

Diagrams from Garret's presentation

Garrett presenting his project

Fran's Finnish acid trip

close encounter with architecture

Heavily articulated facade

Josh's 1960s moon colony

A strange forest...

Generative sketches fro Olu's project

Garrett's cave-like form

Cameron's Zumthoresque observatory

Odd surroundings

More concepts from Olu

A rendering of Garrett's work

Stairway in Bowen's model

The next project is a small ceramics workshop/factory located in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood near IIT. Stay tuned fro updates on that, as well as photos from our upcoming trip to Cranbrook.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite out of all of these is the moon base one.
    Are you going to post pictures of yours?
